If you think this place is cool, put my button on your site! But please save your own version of it and use that instead of hotlinking!

A small button that says decay's door with a club suit symbol on each side. Each word and one club lights up at once while the other is dark.

Plush of the Week

A black dragon plush

Name: Ark

Official Name: Ark

Brand: Um. My mom?

When/where aquired: Made by my mom.

Location: Bed

Notes: My mom made a few plushes for me with this material; this guy, and two snakes named Browny and Dust. I'm sure I can find Browny somewhere in my basement, but my cat tore up Dust when I was little so he had to be thrown away.


This door has lead you into the living room. The lights are on, but very dimmed. The entire room feels dusty but comfortable.

A gray cat is laid across the back of a couch. It speaks to you.

A digital drawing of a gray tabby cat with a black bowtie laying on the back of a couch. It looks annoyed at the viewer.

Hellow and welcome to my home. Here you will find some of my art, descriptions of the stories I am writing and the worlds these stories take place in. This place is constantly under construction and I suggest you check frequently for updates. A lot of the stories written here have depictions of violence and blood so be weary of it.

Art of a fox with bat wings laying down with its back to the viewer. It is writing in a book with a red quill. There is text that says Sign my Guestbook!

Listen to this music and maybe you will understand me. It is from Pokemon: Rise of Darkrai aka the best movie I have ever watched.

look at this funny image I edited:

a grainy image of a turkey vulture with the word man beneath it in bold letters

(html tutorials for future reference)

the13child © 2021-2024