The Endless Dark is a small dimension connected to others through darkness. Any shadow has the potential to become a doorway to this realm if it is dark enough, but only creatures of shadow can enter the Endless Dark without losing their mind. The Endless Dark is mostly populated by Shadow Monsters; the children of a god called the Monster. Their government is a theocracy, ruled by the Dusk, who claims a divine right to rule from the Monster itself.
Shadow Monsters, also called simply Monsters or Shadows, are named for their god, the Monster.
Shadow Monsters are always mostly pitch black with eye purely a single color. In terms of art, this manifests as them being a silhouette with a solid color eye and minimal lining in a darker shade of their eye color. Shadow Monsters can look like anything because of their flexible nature as living shadows, but they are encouraged to pick a single form to stick to by adulthood and changing too often is seen as immature. These forms traditionally look similar to Earth animals, but there are always a few features that appear off or downright wrong due to the Shadow Monsters' tendency to never leave the Endless Dark. Shadow Monsters do not naturally have mouths and eat by absorbing the food into them. Direct natural light (the sun, fire) harms them while indirect and unnatural light (lightbulbs) makes them uncomfortable.
Shadow Monsters believe they are pieces of the Monster, torn off and sent up to live their lives and die, only to become part of their god once again. Their government is a theocracy and it is believed that the Dusk, their leader, was chosen by the Monster personally.
The Monster
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